Fitness & Esercizio
, di FLOW Admin Walking Pads for Senior Fitness: Safe and Effective Exercise
As we age, staying active becomes increasingly important, yet finding safe and effective ways to exercise can be challenging. This blog delves into why walking...
, di FLOW Admin Harnessing the Power of Walking: Can It Really Build Muscle?
The quest for muscle building often conjures images of heavy weights and intense gym sessions. But what about the humble act of walking? Can this...
, di FLOW Admin Can Walking Lower Blood Pressure? Unveiling the Steps to a Healthier Heart
With the rise of sedentary lifestyles, finding effective, accessible ways to manage blood pressure has become crucial. This brings us to a simple, yet powerful...
, di FLOW Admin Walking vs Running: The Great Debate
When it comes to cardiovascular exercises, the age-old debate often boils down to walking vs running. Both forms of exercise offer unique benefits and can...
, di FLOW Admin What is Zone 2 Cardio? Understanding and Implementing This Effective Training Method
In the world of fitness and cardiovascular training, "Zone 2 cardio" has become a buzzword among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. But what exactly is...
, di FLOW Admin 12 Creative Ways to Stay Active in a Small Apartment
Per the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it's recommended to engage in at least 150 minutes of physical activity weekly. While...
, di Joris Lans Rock Steady Boxing Explained
Introducing Rock Steady Boxing Rock Steady Boxing is a health and wellness program designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease, a neurological condition that affects balance,...
, di Joris Lans Boxing as medicine against Parkinson
More and more gyms and physical therapy practices in the Netherlands and Belgium are offering the sport Parkinson Boxing. This reports Omroep Gelderland. People with...
, di Ronald de Hoog Camminare verso la salute: raggiungere 10.000 passi su un tapis roulant
Oggi esploriamo un popolare obiettivo di fitness: camminare 10.000 passi al giorno su un tapis roulant. Questo esercizio semplice ma efficace può migliorare la tua...
, di Joris Lans La bicicletta reclinata è calda!
Attrezzo per il fitness multifunzionale Recumbent significa inclinarsi all'indietro o sdraiarsi, che è esattamente ciò che fai mentre ti alleni con una cyclette reclinata, a casa...
, di Joris Lans Cosa si intende per allenamento anaerobico e aerobico e perché è così importante?
Se ti alleni in base alla frequenza cardiaca devi affrontare una soglia anaerobica e una aerobica. In questo blog ti spieghiamo cosa si intende per...
, di Joris Lans Un nuovo modo di allenarsi con il Cycle Boxer
LifeSpan Conosciamo tutti il ciclismo e la boxe. Ma molte persone non sanno che puoi farlo anche contemporaneamente.A parte l’altro, il ciclismo e la boxe fanno...