1.500+ tevreden klanten (4.7/5)

Our Data

LifeSpanEurope.com sells LifeSpan Fitness brand fitness equipment and LifeSpan Workplace equipment/active workstations.

Official Company Name: Europa Workplace & Fitness B.V.

Located at: Grote Esch 612, 2841 MJ Moordrecht (Netherlands)

Phone Number: + 31 (0)85 902 2245

Email: info@lifespaneurope.com

Website: www.lifespaneurope.com

Director: Ronald de Hoog

Chamber of Commerce: Rotterdam KvK no.80110819

VAT no.: NL8615.57.864.B.01

IBAN: NL97 ABNA 0882 7164 68

Dispute Resolution:

Via the European Commission platform (click here) in accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters.

We are under no obligation to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
